Sunday, June 19, 2011

Reflection on Audio Mutimedia

I think that as the deeper we get into this course, the technology is becoming
more well rounded and I feel that it is a nice progression.  It is helping as the technology becomes more familiar and it seems to be expanding on all of the other materials and content we have been exposed to.   I find that I am starting to even think more about what content in our courses has priority in regard to development of podcasts and videos.  I had developed a list when we started the program and I can see that coming to fruition within the next two-three years (the list is long).  I think that this is very exciting and will be a wonderful endeavor to pursue.
I found a few PodCasts and Blogs in regard to Occupational Therapy.  About a year ago I had researched what I could and there was very little online.  But now I am seeing that is growing by leaps and bounds.  I am very excited to input these into our curriculum for resources and for future clinical applications.  Please see the below resources in regard to the Podcasts and Blogs.
The PodCasts from Florida International University are a good resource in regard to the History of Occupational Therapy.  There are two PodCasts on the “Eleanor Clarke Slagle” Presentations.  These are presentations that are presented each year by a designated member of the American Occupational Therapy Association.  It provides a concise history of how the profession has evolved and where it is headed.  The aforementioned PodCasts could be used for classroom instruction, resources for student’s papers and program development.
In regard to the equipment that we need for our classroom, I think that we are going to be fairly well set.  Our organization is in the middle of remodeling and allocations have been made to ensure that we have state of the art technology.  I do not know the exact cost of the technology portion, but this is an area that is automatically budgeted into any remodeling or new classrooms.   This will allow us to not only utilize our LMS system in the classroom, but additional technology such as assistive technology.  There will be one section of the classroom that will be a “mini” assistive technology lab. 
            There will need to be extensive training for the faculty prior to the starting instruction in the classroom.  At this point, I can not say exactly what all this will entail, but I have complete confidence that it will meet our needs.  To my understanding we will be able to coordinate two classrooms at the same time, ability to utilize clickers, SKYPE with other instructors and/or organizations throughout the country.  This will be a very exciting few years to be able to incorporate all that we have into our program.   
            Once the faculty has been instructed, we will need to incorporate this into the curriculum and train the students how to function within this 21st Century Classroom. 
            I feel that I will be able to communicate this much better once we know exactly what all has been installed in our classroom.   Our LMS/ANGEL System was also updated in May, 2011, so any components there will also need to be implemented.  The dilemmas that will come with this I cannot fully predict, but my attitude is that it is all good and it will be a learning and growth process.   I am excited for this upcoming process.



                                                 Podcasts/Blogs for Occupational Therapy

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