Sunday, June 26, 2011

Multimedia Technology

I know that I am  repeating myself, but with this new program there is so much new technology to learn and incorporate that one does transfer from one unit to another.  There are very few, if any, quality educational materials with  technology available for Occupational Therapy Educational Programs.  I found this quite unfortunate, though at the same time very exciting to be able to build this component for this educational program.  This is a very creative process and at the same time a very logical and methodical process.  This is a new program and  power points with audio, video’s, wiki’s etc will need to be developed for this particular section.   The students find it very exciting and also find that it definitely helps them in their educational process.
            The sample videos that have been developed (and these are very rough),  provide a foundation to develop professional and educational videos.  Three have been provided as samples.  There are a total of twenty-eight videos in place (rough videos).
Again,  this is a new program, by no means are all of the technologically enhanced educational tools in place.  That will take years to develop the foundation and then it will definitely be an ongoing process to update.  I think the sample videos are a good start and we have an incredible support system, not only personnel wise, but equipment wise.  Even if we don’t get the new videos done, these can be utilized as supplementary tools.   
The cost of the ability to develop videos can be several fold.  At this point in time we have a technology department that is able to video and put into files.  The cost of this involves manpower hours, which I am not able to put a dollar figure on.  Our department also has our own flip video, headset, computers etc.  The cost that I am able to provide for these would include the flip video and microphones.  This entails approximately $150.00 for Flipvideo and $150 for Headset.   The other costs are part of the Department of Allied Health overall Departmental Budget.
The future implementation of Multimedia Devices is several fold.  It can be utilized for instruction and for student self-evaluation (not exclusive of.)   Competency Checkouts can be filmed and then the students can score themselves (self-reflection) and score their peers (peer evalution.)   The students may be able to develop presentations that can be for the classroom and for their future clinical use.  The only limitation is time and imagination.
The biggest dilemma that I find simply has to do with time in order to get everything accomplished that we want.    I hope that this does not entail a detour in our process.  Meaning that I hope that we don’t become so overwhelmed by waningt to get everything done that we give up on the project(s).  I think that that will take a great deal of perseverance on our part. 
I taught in an Occupational Therapy Program over 15 years ago.  Returning to education has been exciting and stimulating with the additional tools to utilize for education.   With each class and each semester, I find that the students seem to be much better prepared and seem to grasp the techniques, knowledge and ability to utilize critical thinking. 
I continue to find GREAT things about being able to learn and utilize all of these techniques.  The time spent with these techniques are stimulating and incredibly beneficial to the educational process.

Sample Resources of Video for Occupational Therapy Education
(Very Rough Samples)

1 comment:

  1. Janice,

    What a great resource you are working on by creating videos for your students! I think it is easy to get overwhelmed when you are starting from scratch. I have to remind myself to think of the big picture and everything will get done eventually (the saying "Rome wasn't built in a day" comes to mind). Would it be possible for your students to help create some of the videos as an assignment or project?

    :) Michelle
