Thursday, July 14, 2011


Grants and Funding Sources do not appear to be as available for Post-Secondary Education as in Elementary and Secondary Education.  I have attended several Grant Writing Seminars over the past three to four years and the general theme is that Grant Writing for Post-Secondary Education takes time.  The first several times that you submit grants most likely will not be approved.   I do not find this as a deterrent, but time, is the deterrent.  I think also keeping up with the grants that are available.  The time frame from when the grant becomes available to the submission date can be quite short.  I do hope within the next four to five years that our program will have the ability to write and obtain grants.

Reviewing the resources provided was primarily for K through 12.  I went into a majority of the websites to see if anything would apply to Post-Secondary Education.  This was very limited. The following resources provided from the reading would be of the greatest benefit for Post-Secondary Education:
1.  The National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR)  and is one of three components of the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS).   NIDRR operates in concert with the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) and the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).
2.  Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Service (OSERS) is committed to improving results and outcomes for people with disabilities of all ages. OSERS provides a wide array of supports to parents and individuals, school districts and states in three main areas: special education, vocational rehabilitation and research.
3.  The Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) oversees grant programs that help individuals with physical or mental disabilities to obtain employment and live more independently through the provision of such supports as counseling, medical and psychological services, job training and other individualized services. This cannot be utilized in the Post-Secondary Environment, though this is a significant resource for healthcare professionals. RSA's provides funds to state vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies to provide employment-related services for individuals with disabilities, giving priority to individuals who are significantly disabled. 
The following are additional resources that may pertain to Post-Secondary Education and Healthcare Related Fields of Study:

1.  Baccalaureate Degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Critical Foreign Languages and Master's Degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Critical Foreign Languages (84.381). This is a program that supports the development of educational programs for the aforementioned degrees.

2.  Preparing Tomorrow's Teachers to Use Technology (84.342) The Objective is to guarantee that future teachers are proficient in the new learning technologies they will find in their twenty-first century schools, teacher preparation programs are encouraged to form partnerships that will insure that teachers have mastered the instructional strategies, learning styles, and content applications enabled by modern learning technologies.
3.  The National Institute of Health has extensive grants. Please note the specified resource, though this may not be specific to technology but relates to healthcare.
4.  Special pricing from APPLE to purchase technology is noted in the following website:
6.  The Clinton Foundation may have opportunities for funding:
I think that the above resources are probably just the tip of the iceberg.  I am sure that with additional research that there may be many more opportunities for Post-Secondary Education.  During this process, I sent several of the websites to our administration to encourage that we aggressively look at these grants.  Not only would this benefit the educational process but also the fiduciary responsibility that we have to our students and community.

1 comment:

  1. Janice,
    I agree with you. Grant writing does appear very time consuming. Of course, I have never written a grant proposal, but the whole process does appear to be lengthy. As I think about the busy school year, I’m wondering when I’ll find the time to pursue such a project.

    I am also sorry to hear about the limited grants available for post-secondary education. There is certainly a need for financial assistance on this level, but the majority of the attention has been focused on k-12 education. Another area that seems to be neglected is private school programs. So often people assume that private schools are basking in piles of cash! After working in a private, Christian school for 13 years, I can tell you this is far from true. In fact, it was quite the opposite for my school. We desperately needed help with the most basic expenditures.

    On your list of potential Grant providers, I noticed you included the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Bill Gates and his wife happen to be our home town heroes. In fact, they’ve been known to hang out at the local hamburger joint and visit local attractions along with the average public. They may be billionaires, but they really do seem like “down-to-Earth” people who want to make a positive impact on the average citizen. On the other hand, they are very wise with their donations. So when considering the Gates Foundation, remember to have the highest quality of proposal ready. It can be very difficult to obtain a grant from this very busy organization.

    As always, it was nice to read your blog. Enjoy the remainder of your summer! Hope to see you next quarter. – Cherri
