Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Week One Post - May 25th, 2011

Discuss the following: Where you are and where you want to go with Technology in your classroom.
What are your top 3 elements of a 21st Century Classroom?
          I think that the most significant element of a 21st Century Classroom, is an instructor/teacher that is motivated to develop, implement and re-assess the tools and techniques necessary for a 21st Century Classroom.  We can have all of the software and gadgets, but if no one is willing or able to use them, is this truly a 21st Century Classroom?
          The second element is knowledge of the techniques and tools of a 21st Century Classroom.  The instructor needs to be able to communicate the foundation of the tools to be utilized.  This will enable the student and instructor to become lifelong learners.  An analogy of this would be learning to drive an automatic shift car or a standard shift car.  Once we have that technique down then we can drive a subcompact car, a pickup truck etc.  We don’t have to take lessons how to drive another make or model of a vehicle.  The student and instructor have to be lifelong learners as the technology is ever changing.  This is establishing the basis for critical thinking and reasoning. 
          The third element, and definitely not the last, would be the enthusiasm to continue to learn.  We need the ability to transform our learning and technology to meet the ongoing needs of our students, future clinicians and community.
What kind of learning environment do I want to create for my students?
          I want the students to feel that they have ownership of their learning process.  I want the students to feel supported and encouraged to explore their educational opportunities.  In healthcare it is absolutely necessary that the future clinicians are able to observe, assess and develop treatment techniques that fit their specific client.  This is not a textbook profession.  What may work for one client, may not work for the next client or client with a diagnosis that you have never treated.   Those decisions need to be made at the drop of a hat. 
Technology can now impart a significant component to treatment. The student and future clinician has acquired the clinical reasoning skills to research what is necessary for their client.   A sample of this would be relearning the skills to return to work that requires document preparation.  A free online tool is Learn2Type ( this website provides tools to learn the keyboard, develop typing skills up to six different levels.  It also provides the ability to obtain objective learning and assessment data, such as WPM and level of difficulty. 
Technology with more complexity is the Interactive Metronome™ ( The aforementioned technology can be utilized at all ages, with all diagnosis (with exception of a history of seizures) and with a wide variety of techniques.  This tool has been used to promote sensory integration, development of skills for professional athletes and the possibilities are limitless. 
The components of technology, not only learning in the classroom but transferring that into their professional lives in boundless.  I want the students to feel comfortable with technology and to explore all of the opportunities and possibilities. Technology promotes freedom with our daily tasks. 
What resources do I have to help me create the learning environment?
          I think that we are very fortunate in our university system.  ANGEL is our Learning Management System (LMS) and our program is fully web-assisted.  Webtechs are available by phone 8 to 5 Monday through Saturday.  I do not recall a time when I have called, that no one is available.  Each building on campus has assigned one Technology Support Technician.  This person generally addresses issues within a three to four hour time period and majority of time, less than that.  There is an Instructional Designer on campus that is also available.  The Instructional Designer also is available on an as needed basis or by appointment.  The aforementioned resources I have found so invaluable.  I would not have been able to maneuver through all of the technology without them.
          Resources in regard to hardware, software and accessories, we are fairly well equipped and have also obtained “assistive technology” that will be utilized in the clinical settings.  The remodeling for our classroom is in process and will be fully equipped with current educational technology. 
          The support of learning, growth and creativity are the best resources of the university, faculty and staff.


  1. I completely agree that students need to feel comfortable with the technology they are using and be able to apply it to the real world. I like your analogy of learning to drive a manual and standard vehicle. This is such a true statement. Once we are given the basics we have to be taught how to use them in the real world outside of the classroom. That is such an important piece of the puzzle.

  2. It is so important that teachers are motivated to use tools and techniques in a 21st century classroom. If the teacher isn’t motivated to continue to learn and add to their understanding of new technologies, student interest in the course and what the teacher has to say will quickly disappear. Student ownership is vital to any kind of classroom, but even more so with learning about and using new technology in the classroom. I was unaware of the many opportunities that were available online for OT. You are right it is so important that students are able to transfer the skills they learn in the classroom to real life experiences.

  3. It is very important for the teacher to be motivated to learn the new technology and to implement it within their classroom. I think about all the classrooms in my school that have great technology just sitting there because the teacher does not want to learn how to use it. I also agree with you when you state the instructor needs to be knowledgable about the technology. It is our responsibility to have a good understanding of what it is we are using and teaching our students to use. Thank you for sharing about your classroom and the opportunities available to students in OT programs.

  4. Occupational Therapy (OT) helps people maximize their ability to participate in life. Visit our website for more info.
